Welcome to Brookwood!
Joyful Teaching! Joyful Learning!
Interim Principal - Christina Lang email
Assistant Principal - Ken Melton email
Secretary to the Principal - Jen Connolly email
Secretary to the Asst. Principal - Nicole Matthias email
Welcome Back to School Letter (August 22, 2024)
Brookwood Community Update: Change in School Leadership (August 20, 2024)
Our Mission and Vision
Daily Schedule: 9:20am - 3:45pm
Normal School Days, doors open at 9:05am. There is no outdoor supervision in the mornings. Please be aware that some students are arriving too early each day.
For All Arrival:
Cars, Bussers and Walkers - Doors open at 9:05 AM, do not arrive before 9:00 AM as there is no supervision until 9:05 AM.
Arrival for Car Riders – Doors open at 9:05 AM, do not arrive before 9:00 AM
- Gates to the back playground will be unlocked at 9:00 AM.
- Cars enter the bus loop and enter the back playground area, in a single line.
- At 9:05 AM, students exit cars and proceed to the doors for entry.
- Cars will be dismissed by staff, after students are clear of the drop off zone.
- The next set of cars will be moved up and students will exit cars.
*It is imperative that you not arrive early, as the gates to the back playground will not be opened
until 9:00 AM and cars cannot sit on Haines Road.
*At 9:20 AM – the gates will be closed and those who are late need to park in the front lot and walk into school to sign your child in as late.
Also, buses need access to the inner loop to drop off students.
Dismissal for Car Riders – Gates open at 3:25 PM, do not arrive before 3:20 PM
- Cars enter the bus loop and enter the back playground area, in a single line.
- Cars will line up according to their child’s grade level, K, 1, 2, have their own line(s) 3, 4, 5 are in one line.
- If you have multiple children, go to your youngest child’s line.
- At 3:35 PM, students will walk down their grade level line and enter their car.
- Cars will be dismissed by staff, after all students are loaded.
- One grade level line will be dismissed at a time.
*It is imperative that you not arrive early, as the gates to the back playground will not be opened until
3:25 PM and cars cannot sit on Haines Road.
Also, buses need access to the inner loop to pick up students.
Arrival and Dismissal for Junewood Walkers
- Arrival - Junewood Walkers enter through the Media Center doors, as they currently do, at 9:05 AM.
- Dismissal – Junewood Walkers exit through the Media Center Doors, at 3:45 PM.
Arrival and Dismissal for Kenwood Walkers
- Arrival - Kenwood Walkers enter through the Back Bus Loop doors, as they currently do, at 9:05 AM.
- Dismissal – Kenwood Walkers exit through the Back Bus Loop doors, as they currently do, at 3:45 PM.
We Are . . . BROOKWOOD!
Joyful Teaching! Joyful Learning!
Celebrating All of Our Fabulous Custodians ! Thank You !
Brookwood Counselors Webpage
BTSD Elementary Student Handbook and Procedures
BTSD Outdoor Recess Policy
Please be sure that your student is dressed appropriately each day for the outdoor weather. (hat, gloves, scarf, socks and leg coverings)